Power up
your Venue

Get the Q&GO advantage by allowing your business to function with more simplicity, speed and clarity. This will lead to happier customers, happier staff and in turn a cost-effective boost to your bottom line.

The Q&GO Vendor experience available for iPad & Android tablets


Your customised Q&GO vendor view combines many essential tools in one place to provide you with the information needed to run your business smoothly. Below is just a snapshot of a few of them.

Customised Messaging

When your customer scans the QR code, they enter their details, including name and mobile number. Once your customer’s order is ready, you can personalise their Queue Screen message, letting them know that the wait is over.

As a vendor, you can see all the orders in the queue and choose to skip tickets if required.

  1. You can mark an order as ready.
  2. Let your customer know it is ready to collect.
  3. And then mark the order as collected.

You will also have access to the settings page, where you can set up the wording for what the messages appear, set reminders, prioritise app push notifications, SMS and email channels.
You can even add your branding to messages, building brand awareness with your customers.

Push Notifications & Marketing

Communicate with your customers easily with SMS push notifications*. Through the app, you can not only send them real time messages, but also specials, offers and promotions outside of the time when they are at your venue.

As a vendor, you can see all the orders in the queue and choose to skip tickets if required.

  • Messages can be sent directly to your customers.
  • You can notify your customers of special offers that have a time constraint.
  • Push notifications through the app are free of charge, so your customers should be encouraged to download and use the app.
* SMS messages are billed at 7 cents per message.
Review and edit your SMS billing at any time from the Vendor Console, along with your monthly subscription options.


Q&Go gathers statistics on who your customers are, when they are visiting and what they are ordering. This gives you insights that can be used for food ordering and staffing purposes, lessening wastage and saving you money.

Statistics gathered include:

  • Usage – how many of your customers are using the app
  • Scans over time – how many people are using the QR code on the Internet
  • Time taken to service customers – allowing for prediction of peak ordering times
  • Tracking of average wait time – to predict staffing measures that could be implemented in the future.

It is separated by new and existing customers and can be set for the time periods for the day, week, months, quarter or all time.

Avoid long queues at your venue.

COVID-19 compliance made simple

Social distancing by design

Under current federal recommendations, your customers should still be social distancing; staying 1.5m apart from each other. This just isn’t possible in a tight queue. With Q&GO, you move the queue away from your premises and keep your customers safe.

Simplified compliance check-in

The QR code on the Q&GO app can be used for COVID-19 compliance check-in, as well as ordering, meaning that as a vendor, you only need to implement one code for both the COVID-19 check-in register and your order/table.


Q&Go is a subscription based app, which focuses on serving all of your customers.